Coaching experiences coming Spring of 2025!

In the meantime, reach out to me by filling in my contact form

Single Kambo Reset​
We have a mini ceremony before we begin regarding your intention if you feel open to sharing. A session will last about 90 to 120 minutes. In the ceremony there will be music, rattling, and smoke to aid you in your process. You will then have time to rest/integrate, and afterward. Sanaga + Rapé included.
Click Here
Transformation Package​
This is three sessions during a three-day period OR three sessions within a 30-45 day period. This allows for deeper work, especially if you have difficult internal blocks you’d like to move through or suffer from chronic pain or depression. You are welcome to do just one ceremony, but I highly recommend even first-timers doing three ceremonies in a month for deeper benefit. Connect with me for more details! The same description of the Kambo Ceremony above applies to each of these sessions as well.
Click Here
Warriors Initiation
This ceremony is a powerful rite of passage of 3 Kambo sessions in 3 hours with a 20-minute rest between each session. One goes through this ceremony to experience breakthroughs. Igniting big shifts and changes in one's life path, super-charging the body's immune system, and break free of deep-rooted emotional blockages, physical, and spiritual energetic blockages, and baggage. It signifies a rebirthing. This ceremony is powerful for radical transformation. It’s not recommended first-timers taking this option until two sessions with Kambo have been completed with me. It’s helpful to familiarize yourself with the ceremony and spirit of Kambo before taking on this 4-hour commitment.
Click Here

Single Kambo Reset


We have a mini ceremony before we begin regarding your intention if you feel open to sharing. A session will last about 90 to 120 minutes. In the ceremony there will be music, rattling, and smoke to aid you in your process. You will then have time to rest & integrate, and afterward Sanaga + Rapé optional.

Transformation Package


This is three sessions during a three-day period OR three sessions within a 30-45 day period. This allows for deeper work, especially if you have difficult internal blocks you’d like to move through or suffer from chronic pain or depression. You are welcome to do just one ceremony, but I highly recommend even first-timers doing three ceremonies in a month for deeper benefit. Connect with me for more details! The same description of the Kambo Ceremony above applies to each of these sessions as well.

Warriors Initiation


This ceremony is a powerful rite of passage of 3 Kambo sessions in 3 hours with a 20-minute rest between each session. One goes through this ceremony to experience breakthroughs. Igniting big shifts and changes in one’s life path, super-charging the body’s immune system, and break free of deep-rooted emotional blockages, physical, and spiritual energetic blockages, and baggage. It signifies a rebirthing. This ceremony is powerful for radical transformation. It’s not recommended first-timers taking this option until two sessions with Kambo have been completed with me. It’s helpful to familiarize yourself with the ceremony and spirit of Kambo before taking on this 4-hour commitment.

Single Kambo Reset


We have a mini ceremony before we begin regarding your intention if you feel open to sharing. A session will last about 90 to 120 minutes. In the ceremony there will be music, rattling, and smoke to aid you in your process. You will then have time to rest/integrate, and afterward Sanaga + Rapé optional.

Transformation Package


This is three sessions during a three-day period OR three sessions within a 30-45 day period. This allows for deeper work, especially if you have difficult internal blocks you’d like to move through or suffer from chronic pain or depression. You are welcome to do just one ceremony, but I highly recommend even first-timers doing three ceremonies in a month for deeper benefit. Connect with me for more details! The same description of the Kambo Ceremony above applies to each of these sessions as well.

Warriors Initiation


This ceremony is a powerful rite of passage of 3 Kambo sessions in 3 hours with a 20-minute rest between each session. One goes through this ceremony to experience breakthroughs. Igniting big shifts and changes in one’s life path, super-charging the body’s immune system, and break free of deep-rooted emotional blockages, physical, and spiritual energetic blockages, and baggage. It signifies a rebirthing. This ceremony is powerful for radical transformation. It’s not recommended first-timers taking this option until two sessions with Kambo have been completed with me. It’s helpful to familiarize yourself with the ceremony and spirit of Kambo before taking on this 4-hour commitment. 

Step One:

Submit form below

Step Two:

Step Three:

Secure your appointment by sending a 50% deposit. Preparation & post Kambo instructions will then be sent over to you.

Book Here

*After submitting you will receive an email with the next steps and necessary details.

Careful preparation is the key to maximizing your experience. In preparation for a ceremony, the “cleaner” you arrive, the better. At the very least, it’s essential to be in a fasted state. Here are a few things to keep in mind when preparing for your Kambo ceremony.
  • Avoid physical activities that cause the body to perspire 2 days before and after Kambo – (yoga, working out, sauna, etc. You want the electrolytes and sodium in the body to be balanced. Depletion of electrolytes and sodium can lead to hypernatremia during or following a Kambo session.
  • Fasting longer than 24 hours should be avoided for 7 days before and after Kambo – You want the electrolytes and sodium in the body to be balanced. This is done by normal eating on a day-to-day basis.
  • Colonics, enemas, liver flushes or any water-based detox should be avoided within 3 days on either side of taking Kambo – again, this is to preserve the electrolyte and sodium balance in the body.
  • Substances & alcohol  – Refrain for 48+ hours.
  • Fast 8 + hours prior – You want your body not to be in the digestive process. It’s helpful to avoid meat the day before. Meat and other proteins take longer to digest. This will help in your ceremonial experience and will allow Kambo to work on you with more ease.
  • Tune into YOU – Journal your intentions prior to the ceremony.
  • Plan your day – Come to your session without time restraints, if possible, to allow yourself time before and after to center and integrate.
  • Fast 8+ hours prior
  • No fluids up to 2 hours prior to treatment
  • No supplements or medications to be taken on the day
  • Wear loose, comfortable clothing with unobstructed access to upper arms, lower legs or back
  • 1 liter of water (not distilled), coconut water afterward is a great idea
  • Bring an open mind and heart
  • A 50% deposit is required to secure your appointment.
  • 48 hours notice is required to reschedule. (Flexible)
  • If you cancel within 24 hours of your session, deposit will be forfeited. However, a full refund is issued due to ill health or unforeseen life circumstances.
  • Payment assistance is available. You will not be turned away if unable to pay the full amount.
DISCLAIMER: The content on this website is for informational purposes only. Please note that none of the services offered on this website or social media constitute any form of medical practice. Kambo practitioners are not doctors nor any other form of a medical practitioner. This should not be taken to diagnose disease, offer health advice, treat physical or mental health issues or prescribe medicines. Kambo information provided does not promise benefits, a claim of cures, a legal warranty, or a guarantee of achieved results. Kambo provision is not intended as a substitute for advice from your physician or other healthcare professionals. Tribal Detox practitioners do not diagnose or treat any health problems or prescribe medication or treatment. Please consult with your doctor before changing or discontinuing any medications, treatment, or supplementation program, or if you suspect that you might have a health problem. Any reference to the term “medicine” refers to traditional terms and should not be interpreted as a medical treatment or cure. Kambo is a shamanic ritual and ceremony from the Amazon rainforest – it is not a medical treatment. Participants are advised to do their own research as to the potential benefits of taking Kambo. None are offered or implied here.