“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.”
— C.G. Jung

It became my mission to heal and understand how childhood trauma had manifested in undesirable ways and unconsciously in my adulthood. After I completed a series of Eye Movement Desensitization & Processing (EMDR) sessions in 2016, an extremely powerful form of psychotherapy a few massive internal shifts were able to occur. I was then gifted with the awareness and the energy to begin making choices in my life from the inside out. And as I did, I began to see first-hand my external world was reflecting the changes being made internally as I began attracting new people, relationships, and experiences into my life that reflected what I deeply desired. I began to see first-hand my external world reflecting the changes being made internally. I became curious and daring again. It was like I was given a second chance at life, and I began saying “YES” to my inner voice as I began to hear it again.

My mission then became unlocking and working with energy systems in my psyche, body, and spirit on a conscious and unconscious level to regain connection to my internal guidance system. Years of deep inner work & studies ensued, everything ranging from Western traditional forms of therapy to Eastern forms of medicine, to then diving into purposeful healing using plant entheogen and animal medicine. Self-discovery and making the unconscious conscious and continuing my journey to uncovering became my purpose and passion.

I begin integrating self-development work, spiritual practices, breathwork, meditation, dream analysis, shadow work, subtle energy work, along with intentional Pattern Interrupts all in the name of expediting, optimizing, & integrating new levels of awareness of being – mind, body, & spirit. understanding the process and continuing my healing journey became the most important work of my life, and continues to be. There is not a more worthwhile adventure than the one to self-love!

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Ready to HEAL? IT’S TIME.